I offer politicized somatic and transformational coaching for changemakers of all kinds. I work 1 on 1 or small group containers, medium to long-term commitments that can allow us to go deeper.

I work with movement builders, leaders, activists, creators, facilitators, trainers, coaches, teachers, social workers, storytellers, social entrepreneurs, and all those who put their energy into radically reshaping the world.

I believe that social change work can be nourishing, and pleasurable, it can bring spaciousness, freedom, and belonging to our lives

Dare I say, it needs all these things in order to become sustainable. To empower us all to do our part, and transform the world we live in, and make justice and equity a reality.

  • If we work towards freedom, then how come we are always busy?
  • If we build communities, how come we feel so alone?
  • If we work towards empowerment of our communities, then why do so many of us are depleted, burnt out, and unsatisfied?
  • If we work towards more collaboration and participation, then what makes it so difficult to be in right relationship with each other?
  • If we work towards better resourcing of those most in need, then how come we leave self and collective care in the bottom of our priority list?

1 on 1 coaching container

1 on 1 coaching is about diving deep into what you want to transform. Each time we meet will look different, depending on what is most alive in you, and what are your needs in the short and long term.

My role as a coach is to make space for your brilliance to unfold, to accompany you through processes that will get you closer to your truth. These processes will be playful, creative, enthusiastic, and also scary, uncomfortable and difficult. I will never give you advice or tell you what to do. However, I will show up for you with my full body-mind-soul presence, and go alongside you on the journey. 

You will lead the way: schedule our calls, bring your challenges and desires to the table, and most importantly, do the work of transformation. You decide what we will be working on in each session, and I will hold the space for you to uncover the solutions you need.

    We will meet once or twice a month, for 60 minutes, for at least 6 sessions, online. I prefer longer-term coaching partnerships so we can use relating to each other, as well as practice as a way towards your goals.

    The cost for a session is on a sliding scale from 80€ to 150€ per session, according to your income, life circumstances, geography, etc. I’ll trust you to offer how much you can afford. 

    Every year I offer some pro-bono or pay-what-you-can coaching containers for grassroots activists. If you would like to use this, please get in touch and I’ll get back to you with more details. 

    Book a 30-minute free call to get to see if we are a good fit to work together!

    Leadership coaching circles

    At the core of the leadership coaching circles is the deep belief that over individualisation of healing is not helping us. Having an ecosystem, inter-dependent approach to transforming ourselves amplifies the work we do from the individual to the group, to the community, and even wider.

    Because y​our struggle is not yours only- it is ours too. Same with your joy, your anger, your grief, your frustration, and your fulfillment. The more you heal, we all heal. The more you get closer to your center, the more we can all recalibrate.

    The more we practice being in community, collaborating, supporting each other and figuring out our collective liberation, the more we get to live in the world we want to create. No matter if we live in different corners of the world and share diverse identities and realities, there’s a core of what makes us human that helps us connect and heal in community.

      This will be a small, intimate, group of 6 people meeting twice a month, for 1,5-2 hours, for 6 months, to build community, and solidarity, and accompany each other in their leadership. The group will be facilitated and will include group coaching, body-based movement, deep introspection, and nourishing action.

      The cost for the coaching circles is on a sliding scale from 1000€ to 2500€ /6 monthly payments of 166€ – 416€. One pay-what-you-can spot will be available. 

      Included: 12 group meetings, two 1on1 coaching sessions, facilitated community space, and resources.

      Join the Waitlist to let me know you are interested, and I’ll get in touch as soon as the next cohort opens!

      Organizational somatic coaching & facilitation

      Holistic approaches are needed to support the vision of a collective body. Folks working in purpose-driven initiatives, and social and climate justice organizations, often tend to find themselves in dynamics that bring harm in the long term: whether it’s overworking, power dynamics that disconnect, unprocessed grief, lack of boundaries, or simply not having enough time to focus on one’s needs and wants, these patterns can and need to be addressed for the health of humans, the organization, and the wider ecosystem.

      Please reach out if you work in an organization and want to implement an organizational transformation program for your team. Together, based on the needs assessment, we’ll be able to design a supportive container that can include 1 on 1 and group processes, as well as organizational practices that can lead to a more sustainable and care-centered collective and work environment.

      Depending on the scope of the work, you’ll work with me or we’ll bring in more coaches. Although we can work both in crisis situations, as well as in a “prevention mode”, I highly encourage you to invest in the life quality, well-being, and empowerment of your team at any time you see the possibility and need for transformation and taking your work and team to it’s next iteration, so that it can have even more impact.

      You can use the contact form or book a 30-minute free call to discuss more!


      No matter what shape or form our partnership will look like, I will always bring in: 

      • unconditional positive regard for you and your journey
      • care and attention to the process
      • joy, love, and kindness
      • questions that open your perspectives, challenge you, and make you rethink
      • my wholehearted presence 


      I will never:

      • save you, change you, judge you
      • tell you what to do, or push you to do something you don’t want
      • lead you towards what I believe you should do

      What I invite you to bring:

      • availability and willingness to do the work
      • responsibility for this process
      • curiosity and desire to create change

      Disrupt and push back against a system that views you as a machine. You are not a machine. You are a divine human being. WE WILL REST!“

      – Tricia Hersey, The Nap Bishop

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